Hello everyone! ❤
I'm going to make this short because I have to continue reading my book for class ): But I just wanted to say congratulations to...
Shop N' Chomp
for winning my first blog giveaway! (:
I will be emailing you shortly~ I put everyone's names, according to how many entries they had, into Excel and just picked a random number via random.org (:
There were 122 entries total!
It was interesting to see how old people though I was haha~ Which is why I put in that question (if you answered right or wrong I still gave you an extra entry (: ) But a lot of people actually gave an age that was older than I really was! Which was surprising because people always guess that I'm younger than I really am.
I'm 19 btw (: Alot of you guys guessed right! or knew from previous posts, etc.
Thank you everyone who joined! (: If you joined just for the giveaway, I understand if you want to unfollow me right now and I won't feel bad if you do XD But if you genuinely followed me because you like my posts then thank you so much! I really wish I could give something to each of my readers because I did not expect that I would have so many followers. I started this blog because I always read reviews/swatches of other peoples' blogs when I was just starting on makeup and I needed help, but I felt like I needed to contribute to the sea of swatches/reviews that others could use! (:
I wish I could post more on this blog but homework/summer school is really taking up so much of my time.. Thank you so much for everyone who stuck through with me since the beginning! (: I love each and every one of you guys~
Sincerely, mimi ❤